Current apprentices
Information for new/existing apprentices at the University of Oxford
Congratulations on choosing to maximise your potential and your future through a University of Oxford Apprenticeship. As the largest employer in the county, the University of Oxford, through your assigned department, has decided to invest in you, to support you on your path to make your dreams a reality whilst ensuring that it retains a skilled workforce to enhance its world-leading research and teaching. In doing so, it also actively recognises its social and moral commitment to the local community and the future generations of talented professionals.
At the start of your apprenticeship, you will be given:
- A copy of your contract & learner agreement
- Health and safety regulations
- Information specific to your chosen role
- Conditions of work (including but not limited to breaks, dress code, behaviour and conduct, action to take in case of sickness and processes and systems of work)
Induction sessions!
If you are a new apprentice at the University of Oxford and you haven't yet met the Apprenticeship team, please get in contact about an induction session (unless this has been organised for you).

This will give you a chance to:
- Meet the Apprenticeships Team
- Learn about how to network with other new apprentices
- Learn more about what we do, events we run, how you can get involved throughout your time here
- Have a tea and chat about your Apprenticeship
If you are ever in doubt about any issues related to your conditions of work, do not hesitate to speak, in the first instance, to your supervision (line manager) or mentor.
Supervision and support
I really appreciated the support I had from my line manager and the experience he brought. Our relationship worked well as he could explain things in a way I understood and didn’t mind if I asked questions, I always knew he would be there to help me when I got stuck.
- Nicole Cunningham, Finance and Accounting Apprentice, Saïd Business School
At the start of your Apprenticeship you should have been appointed a supervisor (normally a line manager) who is responsible for organising your programme-based training and who will guide you in reaching your qualifications.
Your first point of contact should always be your supervisor. However, if you require further support, the Apprenticeships Team can also provide you with professional and confidential support in all areas that relate to your job as an apprentice. Do not hesitate to get in touch.
Other forms of support
As a university employee, you have access to the resources available to all university staff. In addition, as a student you are also eligible for support through the National Union of Students (NUS), which offers a range of discounts for apprentices.
Some useful University Administration and Services (UAS) pages might be:
Advice from current apprentices...
- Make use of every opportunity available. The university offers some great projects and lectures that are open for members of staff to attend, even if they don’t seem relevant to your current role, it might be something that could interest you for career development!
- Make the most of your time within the University. You only regret what you don’t do.
- Talk to your colleagues about which modules you are currently working on, they might be able to help you find evidence for your portfolio.
- Don’t be nervous about introducing yourself to new people, and build many positive relationships with the people you meet, you’ll never know when you might need their help.
- Focus! at college and work hard to achieve high grades as doing well will make you feel better at work, and try to apply what you learn to situations at work to develop your understanding.
- Enjoy it as much as you can, you are being paid to learn.
Advice from current managers and supervisors...
- Be prepared to take on new challenges – get as much experience as possible, it is the best way to learn new skills.
- Build in time to dedicate to your studies – set aside a specific time each week to ensure that you can remain focused.
- Learn from your colleagues - as an apprentice you will have the opportunity to work with many different people. Ask about their experiences.
- Get to know the University and what opportunities there could be for you in the future.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help – training is important.
- Don’t be afraid to say no if you are too busy – speak to your manager / mentor.
- Embrace opportunities offered and keep your eye out for work experience in another department.
- Network within the University.
- Speak to your manager / mentor if you have any concerns around work our your course.
University Apprenticeship Networking Group
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Apprenticeships Team